The “skinny” from Chapter President Reagan McGill, ’26

SigEp has provided me with my closest friends and a tightly knit fraternal community.  I am grateful for the bonds I have formed in the brotherhood, and I am excited to be representing my brothers as president of our chapter.
For me, the role of president consists of managing different personalities and expectations of other members of the e-board and the chapter at-large. 
I believe I am well-suited for this opportunity, given my willingness to connect with every brother and act as a facilitator.  My commitment is to represent the brotherhood effectively, ensuring inclusiveness and representation in all the decisions I may need to make.  There is an open line of communication between the chapter and me with a sincere invitation for all to ask questions, discuss issues, and offer ideas.  
Here are 3 initiatives that I wish to focus on for the balance of this and next semester:-  


Leveraging our Balanced Man Scholarship as a strong recruitment tool.  Pre-covid, Penn Delta excelled in getting SigEp’s name out to freshmen and meeting Penn men early.  I will work to support the chapter in strengthening our BMS program and have it shine.

Enhancing Penn Delta’s commitment to philanthropy.  Philanthropy is a proven way to give back to our community and executing a vigorous plan is fun.  I anticipate real and productive collaboration with our two VP’s of Programming to integrate philanthropy more purposefully into Penn Delta’s mission and look forward to electing a philanthropy chair (a non-e-board slot).  And, to be sure, philanthropic activity is a good way to further sorority relations and raise our profile on Penn’s campus.

I strongly believe diversity is our greatest strength, especially in today’s multi-cultural/religious world.  This summer, while at Conclave, when describing our chapter to alumni and undergrads from other chapters, I constantly highlighted our “mini-UN” at 4028 Walnut, with members from all corners of our planet and with many (many !) languages spoken by chapter members.

I applaud the chapter’s decision to add an e-board position to chair our Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts.  My commitment is to promote and ensure that our VP’s of DEI and Recruitment effectively collaborate to foster a broadly-based “United Nations” recruitment effort.
I am excited to serve as Penn Delta’s president and compound Penn Delta’s recent successes, and I appreciate the opportunity to share with our loyal and engaged alumni a part of my vision for Penn Delta to further a positive, warm, supportive, happy, and inclusive environment at 4028.