Liam Johnson Memorial Golf Outing Raises $90,000 for Local Epilepsy Neurogenetics Initiative

TOGETHER we raised $90,000 at our 2nd Annual Liam Johnson Memorial Golf Outing and Benefit Dinner for the Epilepsy Neurogenetics Initiative (ENGIN) at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

In just 4 years, ENGIN has provided expert care for close to 4,000 children (averaging 250 kids a month) with a rare genetic epilepsy diagnosis. They have also identified 418 new epilepsy gene variations. In February of this year, they announced their expansion. They are partnering with the research arm of Penn to create the Center for Epilepsy and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. This will allow for promising research and gene therapy to move to clinical trial. Targeted treatments and cures are within reach. We are at the forefront of transformational change and we are so excited to have you on this journey with us.

THANK YOU to all of our sponsors, volunteers, for every raffle basket, donation, auction bid, and ticket purchase. Thank you for helping to reduce the stigma around epilepsy, and for helping us raise awareness for epilepsy. Epilepsy needed more advocates and Liam connected us to this purpose. Thank you for allowing us to continue to honor our sweet boy and epilepsy warrior. 

-Kyle Johnson ’06 via Love for Liam Foundation LinkedIn

One thought on “Liam Johnson Memorial Golf Outing Raises $90,000 for Local Epilepsy Neurogenetics Initiative

  1. This is a wonderful and successful effort, and very much reflective of the value of Penn Delta and SigEp at large.

    Thank you, Kyle, for your and your family’s stand in this matter.

    May I please suggest that you, Brett Danko, and Dan Olson figure out a way to “invite” the rest of us at Penn Delta to support you and the results you continue to produce. (I mean, why not, really . . .)

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