Here’s how Sigma Phi Epsilon impacted my life

SigEp is the place where we had a lot of firsts. It’s the place where we first ventured out of our hometowns, the first place we bonded to on campus, and the place where we first learned the true meaning of friendship and how to be real men. Read on to see what your brothers said on how SigEp impacted their lives.

“I support the fraternity because my years at Sig Ep have left an indelible impression that have lasted to this day,” Jeff Rotwitt ’72 said. “It was a well of support, friendship, and camaraderie.”

“We built unbreakable bonds for life during our time there,” Dan Olson ’99 said.

How did Sigma Phi Epsilon impact you? CLICK HERE to share your story with us and be featured in an upcoming eLetter!