Be a Part of the Conversation!

For many of us, Sigma Phi Epsilon is the source of most of our great Penn memories. For this reason, we want to hear from YOU! Keep the conversation going with your brothers and tell us what Sigma Phi Epsilon meant to you. See below what some of your fellow alumni brothers had to say in response to recent surveys. 

“Decades later the people I keep in touch with the most from my Penn days are my Sig Ep brothers. Lifelong friendships. Great bunch of guys, many student leaders who had a tradition of mentoring younger brothers who were interested in student leadership activities and then paving the way for us to move into those spots. I still enjoy mentoring young people today as a result!” – Bruce Yuen ’83

“Learning Robert’s Rules was the most valuable lesson I learned at SigEp. My two closest friends today are from the fraternity.” – Mark Spencer ’78

“Long-lasting friendships!” – Mark Lieberman ’69


What was your most meaningful memory or best lesson learned from Sigma Phi Epsilon? CLICK HERE and let us know!