David Jehn ’85: Sigma Phi Epsilon provided a lifelong set of friends

David Jehn ’85 ([email protected]) reflects on his time at Sigma Phi Epsilon and why he chooses to give.  

The most distinguishing trait of the fraternity while he was there was the diversity and unity of the house. “We were the most varied set of brothers and we all came together anyway.” 

One of Jehn’s favorite memories happened when he and a friend were Pledge Educators. “Our pledge class ‘kidnapped’ Marty Black ’85 and me and dropped us off in Atlantic City wearing dresses…it sounds awful but it was certainly memorable…” 

“Sigma Phi Epsilon provided a lifelong set of friends (brothers) and really helped me think about leadership and what that entails.” 

Jehn gives back because he wants to support Sigma Phi Epsilon for future generations. “I loved my time at Penn and especially in Sigma Phi Epsilon…and I want that experience to continue to exist!” 

Without Sigma Phi Epsilon, I wouldn’t know what Marty Black looks like in a dress.